User Virtualization Software Reviews

Find the list of top 10 User Virtualization software here at Virtuous Reviews. The list is arranged in preferential order so that you can find best one at the top. Read the overview provided below to gain insights about the features of various User virtualization software.

What is a User virtualization software?

A User virtualization software is basically a concept of desktop virtualization in which the desktop environment is like a virtual machine stored on remote server. User virtualization server can be of two types- Persistent VDI and non Persistent VDI. Persistent VDI is connected to the virtual image on user desktop where everytime the user signs in, every change made to the system will be visible. Non persistent VDI, as the name implies cannot keep the changes. It is opposite of persistent VDI. In this form, every time the user logs out the computer comes in its original form which means no changes are kept by the system. Non persistent VDI has many advantages over persistent VDI. These are easier to manage, patch and update.


  • Profile updates on the basis of changes in environment
  • Rights management
  • Install applications without altering base machine


  • Ability to connect network printers
  • Ability to disconnect network printers.
  • Ability to confine desktop limiting access