Reviews for Operating Systems

Find the list of top 10 Operating Systems here at Virtuous Reviews. The list is arranged in preferential order so that you can find best one at the top. Read the overview provided below to gain insights about the features of various operating systems.

What are operating systems?

Operating system is a software application that provide common services for computer programs. It manages both hardware and software resources of a system. These are intermediate programs between programs and computer hardware for for functions like input, output and memory allocation. Time sharing operating systems is a kind os operating systems that schedules task for efficient working. Operating systems are important for all devices from mobile device and gaming consoles to computers. The operating system often used is Microsoft Windows. If we talk about mobile devices, commonly used are Android and iOS. There are many types of operating systems including Single and multitasking, Single and multi user, Distributed, Templated, Embedded, Real time and Library.  


  • GUI setup for each user
  • Data and user security
  • Applications and data are stored in secondary storage devices.
  • Excellent memory management
  • Data packets are handled by operating system.


  • Memory allocation in cheap and easy way
  • Eliminates external fragmentation
  • Efficient swapping
  • Allows demand paging