Product Lifecycle Management Software Reviews

Find the list of top 10 Product Lifecycle Management software here at Virtuous Reviews. The list is arranged in preferential order so that you can find best one at the top. Read the overview provided below to gain insights about the features of various Product lifecycle management software.


Broward County, USA

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What is a Product lifecycle management software?

It is an information management system that possesses the ability to integrate data, business systems and moreover users in an extended enterprise. This software helps in the efficient and cost effective management of a product throughout its lifecycle from design to testing. It lets several departments in an organization to work in unison by the exchange of information. It can be taken as both information strategy and enterprise strategy. By consolidating systems, it creates a coherent data structure. It lets the big enterprises work together as a single team to design and distribute a product in the market. It also includes weaving a digital thread throughout the process.With product lifecycle management software you become capable to initiate and respond to the innovation.


  • Optimize the relationships across organization
  • It maximizes the lifetime value of your products
  • Drive top line revenue.


  • Supports product development process
  • It integrates people and systems
  • Focuses on time, cost and quality