Software Defined Storage Solutions Reviews

Find the list of top 10 Software Defined Storage Solutions here at Virtuous Reviews. The list is arranged in preferential order so that you can find best one at the top. Read the overview provided below to gain insights about the features of various Software defined storage solutions.

What is Software defined storage?

Software defined storage also referred to as Computer data storage is a kind of storage visualization which is used to separate software from storage hardware. This software also enables policy management for various features. The features include snapshots, backups, data deduplication, replication and more. It can also suggest software like virtual or global file system if implemented as a software in integration with commodity servers. It is a broad concept that includes networking and security resources.   e at Virtuous Reviews analyse various  Software defined networking solution providers and come up with best ones in our listings. The analyst team at Virtuous Reviews remain updated of the latest innovation and tools so that it can put forth only best ones for you.


  • Manage access and usage across the drive.
  • Storage logic abstracted in a software layer.


  • Data storage management independent of hardware.
  • Policy management for various features