Yes, I have an Online Degree, and I am Proud of it!


Yes, I have an Online Degree, and I am Proud of it!

Yes, I have an Online Degree, and I am Proud of it!

Sometimes in life, due to some difficulties you have to leave school and learn the lesson of life the hard way. If you have the determination and you are motivated enough, then you can complete your studies through online courses too. Online courses are no less authentic or less qualitative than the conventional classroom system. Well, different people, different opinions. When you go for a job interview, you are often bombarded with the non-sense questions about your online degree. Some people would also think that you have less potential or you are socially awkward. For such people, here are what your answers should be.

Yes, but that does not mean I am less qualified!

Online courses are a hundred percent genuine and credible way to acquire knowledge. The certificates of a registered online school are globally acknowledged and the credits are appreciated in every university and institutions. If anyone raise doubts on your qualification, show them your certificates.

Yes, but that only means I am more focused!

Not to mention, a lot can distract you while learning online. You are studying at the comfort of your home, there are no rules, there are no regulations. You have completed your degree and you have its certificate in hand, that only means you are very focused towards your goal and you know how to prioritize the tasks. Feel proud in saying this to these people.

Yes, but that only means I am more focused

Yes, and that’s pretty cool. I got to contact with persons of different cultures and cities!

Since you have opted for an online course, you didn’t get to meet real people, so it is often considered that either you are bad at making friends or you are a loner. When people raise questions on this, you should just tell them about all those online classmates who belong to different geographical areas and cultures, but still worked in coordination. You should tell them that your social skills are not limited to four walls.

Yes, and that’s pretty cool. I got to contact with persons of different cultures and cities!

Yes, and it’s a sure sign of smartness. Not only I saved money but found a new adventure!

Online courses are flexible, you can go online and take classes whenever you like. As such you get time to perform other chores. You can take many online courses at a time too. You are no more restricted to the curriculum, you can learn whatever you like. It is a kind of an adventure, it gives you a kick to keep going. Regular classroom programs do not have such variety.

Yes, and that means I was willing to study, not obligated!

Everyone should study, it is the basic right and it is a necessity to live a life of a responsible citizen. You have taken online courses and this shows that you wanted to study, there was no social pressure, there was no parental pressure. In fact, you actually are more derived than the other conventional school degree holders.

Yes, and that means I was willing to study, not obligated!

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