Sales Compensation Software Reviews

Virtuous Reviews provides the list of top 10 Sales Compensation Software providing the smart ways to manage incentive compensation. Choose the best Sales Compensation management software you need to build and manage successful incentive compensation plans that drive sales results and inspire performance.

Sales compensation software automates the accounting and administration of commissions and incentive plans. Employee role, tenure, sale type, location and other custom attributes often determine compensation and these rule-based programs carry out computations at the report of the sale. They proport less time-consuming and error-prone accounting practices as well as better visibility. Salespeople can view their quotas and progress, and management can generate analytical reports to gain high level insights into sales force performance. In addition to incentives and commissions, these programs can often be configured to administer bonuses and other supplementary pay. Sales compensation platforms usually integrate with CRM and ERP systems.


  • Analytics
  • Bonus Management
  • Compensation Assessment
  • Compensation Calculation
  • Compensation Plan Modeling
  • Compensation Statements
  • Consolidation / Roll-Up
  • Incentive Programs
  • Salary Planning


  • Help you build stronger relationships and achieve more.
  • Makes calculating, paying, and tracking commissions easy.
  • Increase payment accuracy, improve visibility, and reduce disputes with sales compensation in the cloud.
  • Allows you to calculate commissions as soon as the commission period is over and saves a lot of time.