What is Cloud Analytics Platforms?
Cloud analytics is actually a service model where elements of data analytics process are offered through either public or private cloud. Cloud analytics applications, as well as services, are typically provided under the subscription-based or utility pricing model. Cloud computing enables the organizations to consolidate the data from every sources, through each communication channels, and do it at even a big scale.
- The cloud Analytics provides businesses more flexibility by hosting it on a local server
- Cloud analytics enables mobile access to use the data with the help of smartphones as well as other devices
- These services also allows collaborative social spaces so that you can connect to employees across your organization, which eventually increase interest and engagement.
- It supports the use of platform-as-a-service which allows to deliver data-based analytics to search for key business trends.
- It predicts both positive as well as negative business outcomes and also gives suggestions that how to achieve or avoid them.
- It drives actionable outcomes with data-backed decisions.